[CM] building cm3/Grace on linux

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Jan 30 08:21:23 PST 2009

> i'm not sure what the waveform display should be doing, though. both
> in jucedemo and grace it scrolls random-looking squarewavish bursts
> regardless of what is (or isn't) playing through the player.

the waveform display is sampling the driver, and these values seems to  
be highly variable.
you might be able to get it to display a waveform by twidding the  
amplitude scaling factor in Audio.h and testing with a very loud sound  
until you can see the waveform being drawn. the Cantor example in the  
insrument window is a very loud bagpipe (also needs nrev) for example.

edit line 78 in Audio.h and try other values for scaling the 'level'  
variable (eg 32.0 or 64.0 etc) to see if you can get a waveform to  

#ifndef JUCE_MAC
         level *= 16.0f;

i guess ill have to figure out if its possible to auto scale  
automatically for devices, if not i can provide a little slider that  
would let you adjust it per device...

> my
> notebook is especially weak on graphics power, though, and anything
> that redraws a lot really bogs it down. i'll try the whole process on
> another faster linux machine in the house tomorrow.
>> On Jan 29, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Bill Sack wrote:
>>> ok, so after i quit griping and installed the freeglut-devel  
>>> package i
>>> was able to build jucedemo and lo and behold the audio demo worked.
>>> the 'show audio settings ..' widget finds my soundcard and the  
>>> little
>>> soundplayer can load and play a soundfile. the synth works too.  
>>> but i
>>> still get the little whirling 'waiting' cursor ...
>>> this is with fc8
>>> b
>>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Bill Schottstaedt
>>> <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>>> ../../src/demos/OpenGLDemo.cpp:48:22: warning: GL/glut.h: No  
>>>>> such file
>>>>> or directory
>>>> I get this also -- I rebuilt freeglut from the sources (you have to
>>>> remove -Werror in src/Makefile), and built jucedemo, and
>>>> I get:
>>>> ALSA device: hw:M66,0 outs=10-10 ins=12-12 rates=6
>>>> ALSA error: Invalid argument
>>>> I tried uncommenting the JUCE_ALSA macro, rebuilt everything
>>>> and still got that error.
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