[CM] Grace audio & midi on linux

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Jan 30 06:57:43 PST 2009

thank you for your help and thanks Kjetil for posting your code!
i will try to track down the spinning cusor problem on linux tho i  
have no idea how to start debugging -- im not sure what / who/why that  
cursor is chaning. does it start spinning even if you dont make sound  
or midi output?
ie what happens if yuou simple eval stuff in the editor without making  
any sound at all?

On Jan 30, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Bill Sack wrote:

> just to be clear: the reason i couldn't get audio from Grace at first
> (after rebuilding with alsa-enabled juce) was that i'd started it with
> jack running.
> with no jack, grace finds my soundcard and my external midi device.
> all works as expected (tho with spinning cursor after a minute or so).
> and to reiterate: this is on fc8 - i will try to build this weekend on
> another machine with fc9.
> it'd be great to get jack audio going with grace so it could be used
> with other apps like pd and ardour - i will look at the mammut code
> that Kjetil suggested at some point.
> oh, i also noticed that the fm-insect example code has an extra
> parenthesis at the end ....
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