[CM] CM Sourceforge updated

taube at illinois.edu taube at illinois.edu
Sun Jan 11 09:29:07 PST 2009

so i take it you are using the console version (bin/cm) ??

the midifile freeze sounds like a bug. however i notice weird things running under emacs, when cm hits an error sometimes a segfault happens rather than a scheme error.

>writing. (Is there any possibility to write a midifile and hear it  
>directly at the same time, as it was in cm2 ?)

probably only by calling an external player, like in cm2. i can probably add this. but it might be easier to just compile cm on leopard! see if you can build sndlib, if you an then it should be possible to get it all running on leopard. to see if you can build sndlib do

tar -zxf sndlib.tar.gz
cd sndlib
./configure CC=g++

if you get a sndlib.a  then it should be possible to build grace.

>The same with clm: The soundfile is written, but you can hear it only  
>when opened in an editor. (In former clm versions there was the :play  
>keyword in with-sound ...)

:play will work if you have *clm-player* set to a shell command string to call to play your file. i think the variable is *clm-player*

>Many thanks for help.
>Am 30.12.2008 um 19:46 schrieb Heinrich Taube:
>> I totally overhauled the CM project at SourceForge and updated all the
>> content. The CM3 branch is now trunk. For svn access to sources do:
>> svn co http://commonmusic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/commonmusic/
>> trunk cm
>> The project's "File Release" page now contains the latest release
>> (3.2.3) and Ive hidden all the ancient stale packages (they are still
>> there...)
>> The Common Music homepage  has been rewritten to reflect the true
>> state of the project:
>> http://commonmusic.sf.net/
>> fyi: the cm2 line is still available under the branches/ directory, eg
>> to get cm2 you do
>> svn co http://commonmusic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/commonmusic/branches/cm2
>>  cm2
>> --rick
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