[CM] CM Sourceforge updated

Achim Bornhoeft achim.bornhoeft at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 11 09:06:29 PST 2009

when working with cm 3.2.4 in Aquamacs/Leopard I wasn't able to get  
SimpleSynth to play the midi output directly (no error though).  
Writing a midifile worked but the listener freezed somehow after  
writing. (Is there any possibility to write a midifile and hear it  
directly at the same time, as it was in cm2 ?)
The same with clm: The soundfile is written, but you can hear it only  
when opened in an editor. (In former clm versions there was the :play  
keyword in with-sound ...)
Many thanks for help.


Am 30.12.2008 um 19:46 schrieb Heinrich Taube:

> I totally overhauled the CM project at SourceForge and updated all the
> content. The CM3 branch is now trunk. For svn access to sources do:
> svn co http://commonmusic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/commonmusic/
> trunk cm
> The project's "File Release" page now contains the latest release
> (3.2.3) and Ive hidden all the ancient stale packages (they are still
> there...)
> The Common Music homepage  has been rewritten to reflect the true
> state of the project:
> http://commonmusic.sf.net/
> fyi: the cm2 line is still available under the branches/ directory, eg
> to get cm2 you do
> svn co http://commonmusic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/commonmusic/branches/cm2
>  cm2
> --rick
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Achim Bornhoeft
Neckarhalde 38, D-72070 Tuebingen
tel/fax +49 (0)7071 942745
mobil +49 (0)179 6936930

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