[CM] cm with chicken

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 1 12:07:16 PST 2009

carlos its very clean but it doesn't work on osx for the reason i  
mentioned in my previous post. take a look at what ihappens for  
FRAMEWORK linking , this has to be done via -framework NOT -l .  as  
far as i can tell you can't add frameworks as table elements to the  
linkset because then it thinks these are libs not frameworks as you  
can see below (-lQuicktime etct)

hence my strings....

g++ -o bin/cm obj/cm/Release/Scanner.o obj/cm/Release/Syntax.o obj/cm/ 
Release/CmSupport.o obj/cm/Release/Console.o obj/cm/Release/Scheme.o  
obj/cm/Release/Preferences.o obj/cm/Release/SchemeSources.o obj/cm/ 
Release/Midi.o obj/cm/Release/Main.o obj/cm/Release/SndLib.o obj/cm/ 
Release/SndLibBridge.o obj/cm/Release/Instruments.o  -Lbin -L. -Wl,- 
x ../sndlib/sndlib.a -L"../juce-1.46/bin" -lCarbon -lCocoa - 
lCoreServices -lCoreAudio -lCoreMidi -lApplicationServices -lOpenGL - 
lAGL -lQuickTime -lIOKIT -ljuce
ld: library not found for -lCarbon

also what happened to the linking set for for windows?

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