[CM] Multipart in a "process"

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat May 10 11:59:43 PDT 2008

> Good Morning
> I red Rick's answer and tested it also, but it wasn't what i pursue >
> I formulate my question once again:
> How is it possible to generate two part music within a "process";  
> first part is composed of "te"s and second part is composed of "e"s.

ok i see what you want to do. a process is by definition a single  
"time line", ie it has 1 wait
so i would use a loop not a process. if it has to be a process then  
something along this line might work:

(defun cellular ()
    (process repeat 10
	     for k = (between 40  70)
	     sprout (process repeat 4
			     output (new midi :time (now)
					 :keynum k)
			     wait (rhythm 'e))
	     sprout (process repeat 6
			     output (new midi :time (now)
					 :keynum (+ k 12))
			     wait (rhythm 'te))
	     wait 2))

(events (cellular) "foo.mid")

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