[CM] CM and Knowledge Representation

Mr.SpOOn mr.spoon21 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 10:33:53 PST 2008

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu> wrote:

 however CM is implemented in Lisp,
>  which is the Mother of All AI Languages and it would be
>  straightforward for example to use Lisp lists to represent your
>  "knowledge base" and then implement whatever code you want to
>  processes these lists. People have beeen using Lisp for over 50 years
>  to do exactly this. Any Intro to AI book will have chapters on
>  forward and backward chaining systems implemented in lisp,

Mmm, I downloaded the book "Common Lisp: the Language", but there
isn't anything about chaining or knowledge representation. I also have
the book "Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach", but there is
nothing about Lisp.

Do you know a tutorial/link/whatever to learn how to do backward
chaining in Lisp?
The problem is that the teacher, during the course, covered a lot of
arguments, from Lisp, to Prolog, to description logics, to the
semantic web, so I know very few things about a lot of things. That's
not useful.

>  with respect to cm, since its just lisp you can implement anything
>  you want with it. for example if yo wre interested in Markov, your
>  project could use cm to parse input data (importing midi files etc)
>  and then use the markov-analyze function  to compute markov chains
>  and patterns that implement them from the data you bring in. you can
>  use cm's scorefile functions to genreate your output in most common
>  formats (.mid .clm .aiff .sco etc)

Great! This is exactly what I wanted to do.
With a knowledge base I think I can represent relationships beetween
notes, or I can specify some harmony rules. Just I don't know how to
implement them in Common Lisp.

Thanks again, bye.

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