[CM] translating spirals into music CLM

john henry dale johnhenrydale at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 03:37:02 PDT 2007

Thanks very much for that Bill,
can you tell me how I write this if I were to use the 9 speaker set up I
described earlier? Would I need a soundcard with 5 (or 9) outs to be able to
achieve this 360 degree effect ?

On 7/25/07, Bill Schottstaedt <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > Ok, does anyone have any insight on how/what I would use in CLM to send
> > panning information to a 5 channel speaker system with a tweeter tree
> > speaker sitting above the audience in the center of the room ?
> If the individual notes are in one place, you could do something like:
> (with-sound (:channels 5)
>   (let ((loc (make-locsig :channels 4 :output *output*))
>         (osc (make-oscil 440.0))
>         (j 0))
>     (run
>       (lambda ()
>         (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
>             ((= i 360))
>           (do ((k 0 (1+ k)))
>               ((= k 1000))
>             (let ((sig (* .5 (oscil osc))))
>               (locsig loc j sig)
>               (out-any j sig 4 *output*)
>               (set! j (1+ j))))
>           (move-locsig loc (exact->inexact i) 1.0))))))
> This sends out 360 notes a degree at a time -- locsig is used for the
> circle
> in 4 chans, and the 5th chan is just out-any.  dlocsig can move a single
> sound (panning, Doppler, etc).  I don't know how convincing this would be
> with only 5 speakers.
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