[CM] multiuser audio editing environment

Unk_Err_ error at balticom.lv
Mon Jul 9 07:35:57 PDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-07-08 at 10:06 -0700, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
> You can have the same sound open multiple times either in one Snd, or
> multiple Snds; so if the net access was set up, you could have people
> on different machines working on the same sound. Their edit sequences 
> won't collide until someone saves his edits, changing the underlying
> sound; then all the others get the exploding bomb icon -- each could
> have the update-hook set up to grab their current edits via edit-list->function,
> update to the new version of the sound, then reapply the saved edits, but
> whether that is a sensible thing to do depends on the edits. 

i have have looked at the snddiff code above, i'm going to try it
propertly later .
so right, i'll think of what update-hook could be ..
the only thing is that so far none of my friends ever used Snd ..
i probably need to introduce them to snd-ls ;)
will see what it gets to in practice .

people won't be able to work on the same region of a soundfile exactly
at the same time anyway, but the can actualy devide between them - so
each user works on his/her region about ..
i first thought of a collective digital painting process, when people
paint , say in Gimp, and each can easely add a stroke, especialy could
be great for children! i'm gonna try it out using Xdmx
so with a wavefroms it's different, but such things as controls  could
be adjusted simultanously in way that one user sets something roughly
and the other fine-tunes that and so on ..

> I was about to write such an update-hook function, but got interested
> in snddiff instead -- a first very simple-minded version:
> (define (cross-correlate snd0 chn0 snd1 chn1)
>   (let* ((len0 (frames snd0 chn0))
> 	 (len1 (frames snd1 chn1))
> 	 (ilen (max len0 len1))
> 	 (pow2 (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ (log ilen) (log 2)))))
> 	 (fftlen (inexact->exact (expt 2 pow2)))
> 	 (fftlen2 (/ fftlen 2))
> 	 (fftscale (/ 1.0 fftlen))
> 	 (rl1 (channel->vct 0 fftlen snd1 chn1))
> 	 (rl2 (channel->vct 0 fftlen snd0 chn0))
> 	 (im1 (make-vct fftlen))
> 	 (im2 (make-vct fftlen)))
>     (fft rl1 im1 1)
>     (fft rl2 im2 1)
>     (let* ((tmprl (vct-copy rl1))
> 	   (tmpim (vct-copy im1))
> 	   (data3 (make-vct fftlen)))
>       (vct-multiply! tmprl rl2)     ; (* tempr1 tempr2)
>       (vct-multiply! tmpim im2)     ; (* tempi1 tempi2)
>       (vct-multiply! im2 rl1)       ; (* tempr1 tempi2)
>       (vct-multiply! rl2 im1)       ; (* tempr2 tempi1)
>       (vct-add! tmprl tmpim)        ; add the first two
>       (vct-subtract! im2 rl2)       ; subtract the 4th from the 3rd
>       (vct-scale! (fft tmprl im2 -1) fftscale))))
> (define (lag? snd0 chn0 snd1 chn1)
>   ;; returns the probable lagtime between the two sounds (negative time means second sound is 
> delayed)
>   (let* ((corr (cross-correlate snd0 chn0 snd1 chn1))
> 	 (len (vct-length corr))
> 	 (pk (- (vct-peak corr) .000001))
> 	 (pos -1)
> 	 (lag (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
> 		  ((or (= i len)
> 		       (>= pos 0))
> 		   pos)
> 		(if (>= (vct-ref corr i) pk)
> 		    (set! pos i)))))
>     (if (= lag -1)
> 	0
> 	(if (< lag (/ len 2))
> 	    lag
> 	    (- (- len lag))))))
> (define (snddiff snd0 chn0 snd1 chn1)
>   ;; this can currently find initial delays, scaling differences, and scattered individual sample 
> differences
>   (let ((lag (lag? snd0 chn0 snd1 chn1)))
>     (if (> lag 0)
> 	(pad-channel 0 lag snd1 chn1)
> 	(if (< lag 0)
> 	    (pad-channel 0 (- lag) snd0 chn0)))
>     (let ((s0 (channel->vct 0 #f snd0 chn0))
> 	  (s1 (channel->vct 0 #f snd1 chn1)))
>       (if (= (vct-peak (vct-subtract! s0 s1)) 0.0)
> 	  (if (= lag 0)                                      ; trailing zeros?
> 	      "no difference"
> 	      (format #f "no difference except ~A is delayed ~A samples" (if (> lag 0) "first" "second") (abs 
> lag)))
> 	  (let* ((pos (maxamp-position snd0 chn0))
> 		 (mx0 (sample pos snd0 chn0))
> 		 (mx1 (sample pos snd1 chn1)) ; use actual values to keep possible sign difference
> 		 (scl (/ mx1 mx0)))
> 	    (scale-channel scl 0 #f snd0 chn0)
> 	    (set! s0 (channel->vct 0 #f snd0 chn0))
> 	    (if (< (vct-peak (vct-subtract! s0 s1)) 0.0001)
> 		(if (= lag 0)
> 		    (format #f "second is ~A * first" scl)
> 		    (format #f "~A is delayed ~A samples and multiplied by ~A" 
> 			    (if (> lag 0) "first" "second") 
> 			    (abs lag)
> 			    (if (> lag 0) (/ 1.0 scl) scl)))
> 		(begin
> 		  (if (not (= scl 1.0)) (undo 1 snd0 chn0))
> 		  (set! s0 (channel->vct 0 #f snd0 chn0))
> 		  (let ((diffs 0)
> 			(diff-data '())
> 			(len (min (vct-length s0) (vct-length s1))))
> 		    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
> 			((or (> diffs 10)
> 			     (= i len)))
> 		      (if (> (abs (- (vct-ref s0 i) (vct-ref s1 i))) .00001)
> 			  (begin
> 			    (set! diffs (1+ diffs))
> 			    (set! diff-data (cons (list i (vct-ref s0 i) (vct-ref s1 i)) diff-data)))))
> 		    (if (< diffs 10)
> 			(format #f "different sample~A: ~A" (if (= diffs 1) "" "s") (reverse diff-data))
> 			(begin
> 			  "giving up"))))))))))

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