[CM] CM, rt, portmidi osx, linux
andersvi at extern.uio.no
andersvi at extern.uio.no
Wed Feb 8 07:19:27 PST 2006
Hi there.
Im trying to get CM running with (set-receiver! ...) without much
luck here.
How do i compile libportmidi.a to a shared library?
CM cvs-snapshot from before 31/12/05, trying with portmidi,
midishare, cmucl-19a and SBCL both with and without
Portmidi *out* from CM works in both cmucl and sbcl on the
linux-box here. However i cant get anything in.
(pm::getdeviceinfo) lists a lot of plausible devices, such as
(:ID 11 :NAME "Synth input port (20278:0)" :TYPE :OUTPUT :OPEN NIL)
(:ID 12 :NAME "Virtual Keyboard" :TYPE :INPUT :OPEN NIL)
> (define *pm*
(portmidi-open :output 11 :latency 0))
> (define (zzz len lb ub wai amp)
(process repeat len
output (new midi :time (now)
:duration .1 :amplitude amp
:keynum (between lb ub))
wait wai))
> (rts (list (zzz 50 20 50 .5 .5)) *pm*)
plays nice piano-sounds from fluidsynth, and im able to sprout
processes in the queue:
(sprout (utsleng 2))
adds further notes to the output while the first is playing.
> (define *pm* (portmidi-open :input 12 :output 11 :latency 0))
> (set-receiver! #'(lambda (mm ms) mm (print ms)) *pm*)
and playing my virtual keyboard here crashes cmucl, and hits an
error in sbcl.
If someone has this working on a linux machine with portmidi,
would they be kind enought to post some info about versions of
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