[CM] Re: Play Head (SND-8.3)

Olivier Doaré nolv at free.fr
Wed Aug 2 13:22:31 PDT 2006

Kjetil S. Matheussen a écrit :

> Wow, you learned scheme by looking at my code?!
> Concidering the readability of my code, I'm deeply impressed by your 
> achievement. :-)

Thanks! Indeed, it's true, i learned scheme just to modify your code! I 
was trying to obtain something that closely looks like Sound Forge in 
terms of functionality and useability. I would have prefered Ruby, but 
it lacks many stuff like ladspa.scm and it was harder to start from scratch.

I'll upload my own snd_confile.scm when it's ready (it is almost).


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