[CM] question on audio distributions, CCRMA or Agnula, others?
rm at fabula.de
rm at fabula.de
Tue Mar 1 07:41:58 PST 2005
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 07:32:53AM -0800, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> Frank Barknecht wrote:
> >There is no CM package in Debian/Demudi yet, but there is interest to
> >incorporate it. As Debian has a full assortment of LISPs and Schemes,
> >installing CM from CVS/source is no big problem, if you follow the
> >instrucitons on the CM site. However of course a .deb would be nicer.
> >Any help would be highly welcome over on the AGNULA lists.
> >
> >
> Gentoo already has packaged "cm", but they took the coward's way out and
> just used the Scheme version under Guile. At my instigation, they are
> re-packaging it to use their version of the Debian
> "common-lisp-controller". A Debian source package should be easy once
> the CLC work is done. I've also requested "clm" and "cmn" and a combined
> "cm/clm/cmn" package. I'd take a shot at the packaging myself if I knew
> anything about how to use the "common-lisp-controller". Is there
> documentation on it somewhere?
I'd rather go for ASDF-installable versions of cm/clm/cmn. That's all that's
needed to cooperate with CLC.
> Besides, can't you install from an RPM on Debian (and Gentoo)? Does
> there need to be a ".deb" for a package to make it into AgNuLa?
Ugly hack only. Building the debs is actually rather trivial - it's the
dependency checking that is rather hard if you want it to be usefull.
hth Ralf Mattes
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