[CM] install-data-yes ERROR (snd snapshot 20051211)

Esben Stien b0ef at esben-stien.name
Sun Dec 11 15:03:17 PST 2005

"Bill Schottstaedt" <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:

> In the po/Makefile, top_builddir should be "..", but for some reason,
> in your case, it must be set to "../.." 

No, it's set to: "top_builddir = .."

> copy mkinstalldirs up a level

Did so and it worked fine. 

> There's a not-quite-zero chance that config.log would explain the
> builddir screw-up.

Also attaching config.log[2]

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Name: Makefile
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 15512 bytes
Desc: Makefile
URL: <https://cm-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/cmdist/attachments/20051212/54346662/attachment.obj>
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Name: config.log
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 170844 bytes
Desc: Config Log
URL: <https://cm-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/cmdist/attachments/20051212/54346662/attachment-0001.obj>
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Esben Stien is b0ef at e     s      a             
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