[CM] plotter and linux
Orm Finnendahl
finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de
Sun Dec 11 12:48:03 PST 2005
I'm trying to get plotter working on linux running sbcl. I started up
sbcl as root and loaded cm.lisp by hand. After issuing all the
necessary (use-system ...) calls, the fasls are generated without
When trying to evaluate the plotter example, the interpreter fails
with an unknown function error. I never tried plotter so I might be
doing something completely wrong.
Below is my second futile attempt. I might have to do something else
to get the gtk interface running but couldn't find it in the
docs. Sorry...
* (load "/usr/local/lisp/cm/src/cm-lisp")
... lots of loading of *.fasl files
* (use-system :cm)
; CM install directory: "/usr/local/lisp/cm/"
#<CM-APPLICATION "cm" {B04D9A1}>
* (use-system :cffi)
; loading system definition from /usr/local/lisp/cffi/cffi.asd into
; #<PACKAGE "ASDF5673">
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/cffi.asd"
; registering #<SYSTEM CFFI {AA14851}> as CFFI
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/utils.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/cffi-sbcl.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/package.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/libraries.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/early-types.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/types.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/enum.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/strings.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/functions.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cffi/src/foreign-vars.fasl"
#<ASDF:SYSTEM "cffi" {AA14851}>
* (use-system :cm-gtk)
; loading system definition from /usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/cm-gtk.asd into
; #<PACKAGE "ASDF5821">
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/cm-gtk.asd"
; registering #<SYSTEM :CM-GTK {BCB07E1}> as CM-GTK
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/gtkffi-cmusbcl.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/plotter.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/support.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/widgets.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/editing.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/drawing.fasl"
; loading #P"/usr/local/lisp/cm-gtk/eventio.fasl"
#<ASDF:SYSTEM "cm-gtk" {BCB07E1}>
* (plotter :zoom .5
(loop for x from 0 to 1 by .2
for y = (random 1.0)
collect x collect y)
(loop for x from 0 to 1 by 1/10
for y from 0 to 1 by 1/10
collect x collect y)
(loop for x from 0 to 1 by .25
for y = (expt 10 (- x))
collect x collect y))
; 0.5
; (LOOP FOR X FROM 0 TO 1 BY 0.2 FOR Y = ...)
; (LOOP FOR X FROM 0 TO 1 BY 1/10 FOR Y FROM ...)
; (LOOP FOR X FROM 0 TO 1 BY 0.25 FOR Y = ...))
; undefined function: PLOTTER
; This function is undefined:
; compilation unit finished
; caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions
debugger invoked on a UNDEFINED-FUNCTION in thread
#<THREAD "initial thread" {A91B4F1}>:
The function PLOTTER is undefined.
Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.
restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
0: [ABORT] Reduce debugger level (to debug level 1).
1: Exit debugger, returning to top level.
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