[CM] circular-scanned.clm

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 27 09:27:58 PDT 2004

Sorry for the delay to this posting but in fact I was presenting my CLM
Scanned synthesis piece in a concert in Peru.

The Scanned synthesis algorithm is based on Bill's Scheme version but I
added different waveforms to comply with Bill Verplank's and Max Mathews
algorithm. Also this algorithm is based on their paper on Scanned which
doesn't portrait details on how Scanned synthesis is handled with the
radio baton.

There is a Csound opcode for scanned synthesis which I tried but the
sound itself was not much different as per Bill's Scheme algorithm. I'll
be interested to find out about the obvious changes you have made to it.

I think what makes a real difference are the modeled haptics Max and
Bill Verplank used with the radio baton interface. The clm instrument
lacks wack effects produced by hitting the right hand baton with the
antena surface. For sometime I thought this could be modeled with a sort
of 2D waveguide mesh filter approach. The radio-baton program also has a
way of stretching or expanding the spring by applying horizontal force
in addition to its weights and therefore creating an impressive Scanned
synthesis effect. I believe this can also be done with a time changing
bi-quad filter and an envelope for controlling it.

All and all I think scanned synthesis shares the paradigm of physical
modeling on which you need to have precise initial conditions for the
model to work good in some frequencies otherwise it might not seem to
have musical qualities.

  --* Juan 

On Wed, 2004-05-19 at 08:11, Anders Vinjar wrote:
> Im starting to look a bit at scanned synthesis, and have had a
> quick glance at the circular-scanned instrument in the file
> circular-scanned.clm.
> It seems to be missing a few bits to be working properly.  Ive
> done some obvious fixes to it, but there seems to be quite much
> work left.  Now i wonder whether anyone has a working version of
> this or similar instruments lying around anywhere before i start
> getting dirty in fields i have very little understanding of
> myself.
> Or maybe other versions of scanned synthesis instruments - Paris
> Smaragdis Csound version - implemented in CLM.
> -anders
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