[CM] Re: Notes from the metalevel

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri May 21 08:01:52 PDT 2004

Thank you very much for your info.  I received my copies directly from 
Swets and so assumed that Taylor and Francis had them in hand as well. 
26 pounds seems a reasonable price for a 332 page textbook and a cd

  (= (pounds 26) (euros 38) (dollars 46))

On May 21, 2004, at 9:24 AM, Philip Lewis wrote:

> I hesitated to send this to the list in case your contact yielded 
> something
> more authoritative. Thomson Publishing Services told me today that 
> they were
> not expecting books from Holland till the end of the month, and put me 
> into
> their system as a back-order, credit card not to be charged till the 
> book
> was shipped; the book, for them, is "not yet published". They quoted 
> £26 for
> the paperback, which seems a fairish rate of exchange. The web-site 
> gives
> Tel: +44 (0) 1264 342 926
> Fax: +44 (0) 1264 343005
> Email: salesorder at ThomsonPublishingServices.co.uk
> and I got through on that telephone number.
> Best wishes
> Philip Lewis

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