[CM] Building snd from source

Anders Vinjar andersvi at ulrik.uio.no
Fri May 21 05:17:22 PDT 2004

The 'load-from-path function will look in the directories
included in %load-path:

(load-from-path "v.scm")
(load-from-path "ws.scm")
(with-sound () (fm-violin 0 1 440 .1))

     >  Then I start snd and in the listener's command line I gave

     >  (load "v.scm")

     >  And the result is:

     >  open-file: system-error: "No such file or directory": "v.scm" (2)
     >  In unknown file:
     >     ?: 0* [primitive-load "v.scm"]
    >> system-error

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