[CM] Synthesizing Midi

Carl Edwards carl.boingie at verizon.net
Sun Aug 8 15:27:59 PDT 2004

Look in the CM dictionary under "join".

Join "defines a union of two or more patterns. Elements from the joined
patternsare read in parallel and returned as lists in which the elements are
in the same order as the patterns specified to the join."

Hope this helps.

Carl Edwards

> From: "Tony" <dj.ton.e at gmx.de>
> Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:28:29 +0200
> To: <cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>, <keykit at nosuch.com>
> Subject: [CM] Synthesizing Midi
> I'm still trying to find a way to synthesize midi, yes midi, not audio.
> This means I want to go further in the ways of creating midi parts,
> especially in creating combinations of melody and rhythm, also finding
> new ways of creating variations of existing midi files. To reach this
> goal I thought Pd, Common Music or both together should be helpful
> tools.
> Rhythm-Melody Combination
> Let me try to describe what is the first step I want to try in combining
> rhythmic midi files with melodic midi files.
> I have two midi files. (e.g. both just one bar long, in 4/4 measure).
> 1: rhythm.mid ( with the following note lengths)
> 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8. (all C notes)
> 2: melody.mid (with the following notes)
> 1/4(Note C) 3/4(Note D)
> From these midi files I should get with Pd or Common Music or Key Kit a
> combination:
> 3: combi.mid
> 1/4(C) 1/4(D) 1/4(D) 1/8(D) 1/8(D)
> The same in words explained: The file melody.mid defines the note
> pitches at a given time and rhythm.mid defines the note starting times,
> the note durations and the note velocities.
> (Sometimes) Long melody notes are converted (splitted) to many shorter
> notes according to the rhythm.mid.
> Any tips regarding reaching this goal with Pd or Common Music or Key Kit
> are welcome.
> Best greetings,
> t
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