Ken Locarnini
renueden at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 19 22:10:53 PDT 2003
I recently compiled the whole ball of wax and now all works, thanks.
The Planet distro is broken up in places unfortunately. The only
problem I'm having is in playing "pluck.ins", I get the following error:
[9]> (with-sound ()(pluck 0 2 110 .3))
;; Loading file /home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/rc.pool.cl ...
;; Loaded file /home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/rc.pool.cl
*** - EVAL: the function DOUBLE-FLOAT is undefined
The following restarts are available:
R1 = abort current note.
R2 = close files and return to top-level.
R3 = jump past remaining notes.
Thanks for any help as allways,
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