[CM] cellular automata in cm

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 28 05:37:18 PST 2003

look for a file called automata.lisp in the examples directory an old 
distribution (like 1.4.1 ).
this file contains an implemenation of cellular  automata and some 
musical examples . most of the code in the file is legacy graphics code 
for MCL but the underlying cell code should be fairly easy to get going 
again. send me a working version if you get it going!

On Thursday, Nov 27, 2003, at 12:26 America/Chicago, Matti Koskinen 

> hi all
> been a long time since my last post.
> I vaguely remember that sometime in the past, there was a cellular 
> automata (by T.Kunze?). in cm tarball. Can it still be found, or any 
> other example of CA in CM?
> thanks
> -matti
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