[CM] openmcl-darwin-midishare

Per Bergqvist pertid at chello.se
Thu Nov 27 17:15:58 PST 2003

Hi list!

I am trying to get a working copy of CM-2.4.0.dmg.gz
  with - openmcl- 0.13.7, MacOSX-Jaguar
with Midshare-1.86 (for realtime-support), CMN and CLM.
(Dec 2002 - Apple DevTools is installed, (not gcc 3.3 update))

Before getting to work, this being the first time experience
, building a lisp-image from source, I feel the need for some
guidence !

Intro Q:s

Reading the CM-install.html, one should understand that you should
use the source distribution of of openmcl, since this is the only
distribution containing the "darwin-headers"-directory ?

I have (I think), successfully installed the appropiate version of
[jaguar-interfaces.tar.gz] and [openmcl-midishare.tar.gz] , these are
visable within the "darwin-headers"-directory, of the source
distribution of 0.13.7.

Also, reading the openmcl-docs, it reads under "Building OpenMcl heap
image" that - Cite: "...one needs a full Lisp image - as provided
by the OpenMCL binary distributions -in order to compile the OpenMCl
lisp  sources and produce an equivalent Lisp image."

Q: Does this mean one should move the "dppccl" and/or "dppccl.image"
from the binary distr. to the equivalent source distr, for later

Or should you first compile the files in "lisp-kernel" - "darwin" -
then only use the "dppccl.image" from the binary distribution ??!!
(thrashing the "dppccl" in the "ccl" directory that earlier
compilation created, that is)

Other Q:s

What are the correct installation of MidiShare and MidiShareDev
respectively for OSX ? By default  the MidiShare.app gets installed
within "Applications Folder" (including a link to ~/user), and
MidiShareDev gets installed at root-level, if not alternative
directory is chosen at installation. Are these the correct places fro 
files to work together, or are they in any case dependent upon
"relative placement" within file hierarchy ??!!

Thanks a million , all you competent people out there !!
What would we do withou You !!

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