[CM] Problems with CM-2.4.0-CLM-2-Openmcl-0.13.6-OSX

Ludger Bruemmer lb at zkm.de
Fri Aug 29 05:41:03 PDT 2003

I had exactly the same problem, on the Linux Box using ACL. Rick wrote 
that it works with clisp and cmucl. But since clisp does not use the 
ffi version I presume that the clm-2 part is faster using acl-cm-clm-2. 
Would it be possible to change that? I enclosed the trace of the error 
message with a zoom. It seems the cm wants to compile Midi-Share.

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Am Freitag, 29.08.03 um 13:48 Uhr schrieb Juan Reyes:

> Hi Rick,
> I tried to compile CM-latest on ACL Linux and it doesn't compile past
> the MIDISHARE part, while CLM, and CMN are loaded without any problems.
> It is not clear to me how I can tell CM where MIDISHARE files are
> located in Linux either. In the same way I tried planetCCRMA's cmucl
> with pretty much the same results.
> Also the save function doesn't work past saving the XCM script. I had 
> to
> save the CM image by hand but I am not sure if this is intended in 
> these
> newest versions.
>   --* Juan
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 05:08, Rick Taube wrote:
>>> I try to use Common Music 2.4.0 with CLM-2 with Heinrich Taubes Book
>>> as a reference. I work on OSX with openmcl 0.13.6 . Compilation of 
>>> CLM
>>> and CM went fine and the image was built without any problem. Loading
>>> the clm instrument and CLM itself as well is without any problem. But
>>> it is impossible to access a clm Instrument from CM. Neither by
>>> calling the object-parameters nor by loading the algorithm. I get the
>>> error messsage
>> I think I fixed the problem in the CVS version of CM. Im testing this
>> system for the book right now and i will be testing before start of
>> school next week.  In the mean time ive updated the snapshot of it on
>> the CCRMA ftp server with the fix:
>> ftp://ftp-ccrma.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/cm/sources/cm-2.4.0.tar.gz
>> try deleting all cm fasl files and then using this newer tarfile and
>> let me know if this fixes it the definstrument.
>> I cant trigger the reported errors/ problems with midishare. I removed
>> the shared libs and the cm build script worked fine. I also tried to
>> trigger the error using clisp on Linux that nando reported but didnt
>> get the problem. btw when you tried building with midishare installed
>> did you actually install the headers in ccl:darwin-headers;  ? see
>> http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/install.html#install_ms
>> for more info
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Ludger Br?mmer

Leitung Institut f?r Musik und Akustik
Director of Institute for Music and Acoustics

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Phone ++49 721 8100-1600 Fax ++49 721 8100-1699
email: ludi at zkm.de  http://www.zkm.de  http://www.sumtone.com/lb

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