[CM] cm->cmn niente confusion
Anders Vinjar
anders.vinjar at notam02.no
Fri Oct 18 02:20:15 PDT 2002
>>> "BS" == Bill Sack <wsack at acsu.buffalo.edu> writes:
BS> cmn's symbol for niente is ... niente, and cm is writing
BS> a .cmn file with just n.
BS> (f4 e (pp)) (c4 e (n))
BS> i grepped around in the cm source, but i honestly
BS> couldn't see where niente was being translated to n.
I think this is related to a bug in cmn's cmn1.lisp. Try
changing cmn1.lisp to use the spelled-out version of niente'
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This forces you to use the full name (#'niente or 'niente as
dynamic-mark instead of #'n or 'n) in cmn, but if i recall
correctly, the abbreviated version triggers some bug anyway.
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