[CM] which lisp/scheme for future use?

Anders Vinjar anders.vinjar at notam02.no
Mon Oct 7 12:01:35 PDT 2002

>>> "RT" == Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu> writes:

    RT> as far as i know there is still no standard notation
    RT> exchange format that is actually used by the software
    RT> that most composers use to publish their scores with.

Im not sure that 'most composers' necessarily is the most
relevant group to address here.

Moving musical data from one part of this system to another,
working on the data in that particular part of the system, and
being able to get the modified data back again is the most
important feature of all this.  A gui for cmn would be great for
mouse-based editing/adjustments - maybe also doing input of music
- as long as the result is directly accessible in the lisp part
of the system (along the lines of Snd (save-state or
user-provided export-functions)).

Whats extremely powerful is that the packages are integrated as
tight as they are - giving access to each others tools from
everywhere, and the enormous flexibility and ease of programming
impossible to find anywhere else.  IMO what makes CM/CLM/Snd/CM
stand out is the direct link to their common language.  This
could be another language as powerful for the user as lisp, as
long as the user dont need to learn more than one language
properly.  (Which to choose of CL/Scheme is from the users point
of view not important, as long as the software is available under
adequate licenses.)

Taking musical data out to Finale means saying goodbye to
important parts of it forever.  Even with a standard
exchange-format for notation, you wont be able to get back
anything apart from whats granted once and for all in that
particular format.

Id like to still have immedeate access to the flexibility lisp
provides, and not base communication between the elements of the
system on limitied protocols.  Exporting/loading/importing should
be done in a transparent as possible manner - possibly without
going through parsing of temporary or non-temporary score-files
with specific (limited) syntaxes or whatnot - just evaluate
lisp-data in proper contexts.


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