[CM] Digitool MCL5.0 News from Lisp conference

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Nov 11 14:25:33 PST 2002

Digitool is pleased to announce that its MacOSX native version of MCL
will ship in early January 2003.  MCL 5.0 will be priced at $750 per
commercial license including 1 year of technical support and patches.
Educational institutions and students receive a 30% and 40% discount,

Digitool is also pleased to announce that the latest MCL 5.0 beta (beta
5) is now available for purchase at a reduced price of $495. Digitool is
making the beta available to the public in response to requests from
customers, to provide a discount to existing users, and to assist
Digitool in the final release of MCL 5.0.  Educational institutions and
students receive a 30% and 40% discount, respectively.

Customers who purchase the beta will receive the final release in
January at no charge.  Customers who receive the beta as part of a
current MCL subscription will have the beta and the final 5.0 release
together count as a "single" release in their subscription.

For individuals and companies paying by credit card, the quickest way to
obtain MCL 5.0 beta is to purchase and download it directly from
Digitool's OfficeFront on HotDispatch (you can use Amex, Visa, or
MasterCard, and your transaction is secure):


For all other cases (educational institutions, purchase orders, check
payments, etc.), please use the applicable order form:


Current subscription holders will be receiving an email early next week
with information for downloading the MCL 5.0 beta."

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