[Stk] problems implementing polyphony...

Patrick J. Collins patrick at collinatorstudios.com
Mon Sep 17 16:27:44 PDT 2012

Hmmm..  So after I put replaced the FM files with those two that you
provided, building failed first because of:
  #include "SKINI.msg"

Claiming that file was not found...  I changed it to what it was

  #include "Skini_msg.h"

Then the .cp failed with:
        if ( nOperators_ == 0 ) {
            oStream_ << "FM::FM: Number of operators must be greater than zero!";
            handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT );

Saying "use of undeclared identifier oStream_"...  So I changed that to errorString_ as it was before...

Then finally after doing that, the build fails at a point in my own code where I am doing:

  // in my .h:
    HevyMetl *instrument[4];

  // in my .mm:
    voicer = new Voicer();
    instrument[0] = new HevyMetl();
    instrument[1] = new HevyMetl();

...  It's failing at "new HevyMetl()" saying "Allocating an object of
abstract class type 'HevyMetl'"...

Patrick J. Collins

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