[Stk] RtAudio and Stk interface

alpana jui lpnjui at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 25 17:15:13 PDT 2008

Dear Everybody,

 I can only use at present 4.2.1 stk for my MACOX core audio. The
recent version is not configuring  my device, Mac 10.5.5 yet.

I will appreciate this if  anybody could please check my attached
parameters in this  setting. The purpose to use Stk  in my application
is  to disk wav files and also to be able to  record some commands
for signal analysis.  I am using Stk- 4.2.1 and StkX.

I have RtAudioStream status is not declared or set error. I presume
4.3.1 an 4.2.1 have some difference in the API  settings. I just need
to use this properly for the time being.

In main.cpp

_adc(new RtAudio(RtAudio::MACOSX_CORE)),
_bufferFrames(1024),//number of samples per cycle
_DCcoeffs ( *(new wxClientDC (panel_FT) ) ),
_scale_x (512), _scale_y(512), // dimension of panel_FT
_x ( new Signal), // needed for callbackfunction - RtAudio
_calls (0),//callback-counter
_cost (Entropy),
_costpar (0.1),
_fixed_analyze_size (8192),
_fb_counter (0),

	_x->RtAudioInterface(_fixed_buffer, _fixed_analyze_size);

	if ( _adc -> getDeviceCount() < 1 ) {
		wxMessageBox ( _("No audio devices found!"));
		button_rec -> Enable(false);

unsigned deviceId = 3; /
	_parameters.deviceId = deviceId;
	_parameters.nChannels = 1;//_deviceinfo.inputChannels;//should be == 16
	_parameters.firstChannel = 0;

In RtAudio.cpp:
int RtAudioInterface( void *outputBuffer,
					 void *inputBuffer,
					 unsigned int nBufferFrames,
					 double streamTime,
					 RtAudioStreamStatus status,
					 void *callbackdata )

But I am contnously having
 RtAudioStreamStatus status is not declared or set error.

Is this APi used in STK: 4.3.1? If not , could you let me know which
API I should use for this ?

In Signal.cpp

int Signal::RtAudioInterface( real* inputBuffer, C::index nBufferFrames)

For disk wav files reading and computing  as well as writing speech samples:

FileWvIn input("test.wav");

Are all the above parameters are set and used properly when I am using
STK-42.1 for recording  speech command and using disk wav files since
who some of these API were written earlier following 4.3.1. But I can
only manage so far 4.2.1 on Mac Xcode and there I would like to use

I will appreciate very much your advice and the directions on my
concerns and problems.

Look forward to hearing from you.

With sincere thanks,

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