[PlanetCCRMANews] [PlanetCCRMA] landing on the Fedora 18 planet

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Tue Jan 22 23:58:15 PST 2013

On Tue, 22 Jan 2013, Jan Depner wrote:

> Before you install Fedora 18 you might want to read this article (not
> necessarily just for KDE users):
> http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/fedora-18-kde.html
> I think I'll stick with 17 on my systems.  Maybe 19 will be better.

I have installed Fedora 18.
I agree with the above article: the installation software is ugly and 
counter intuitive.

I have a Linux-only system, no dual boot. This makes things easier. I 
always make a backup of my important data and start with completely fresh 
installs for every new Fedora version I install. This should make things 
even more easy.

I started with the LXDE live CD. Then I clicked the "install to disk" 

But I had to repeat the installation process three times before I could 
boot F18 succesfully. At one moment my system booted twice every time. 
After the first inlog, the system started a second inlog screen. And after 
I had updated my software, the bootloader refused to show the latest 

I tried the complete install again. Now my system would not boot at all.
Strange. I probably clicked something wrong somewhere in the totally 
confusing installer interface.

I had already tried Fedora 18 beta pre-release on my netbook. This worked 

So I decided to try starting from the Fedora 18 beta version of the LXDE 
Live CD iso.

This worked. Finally. And after a long yum update session I now have a 
working Fedora 18 system, including RPMfusion and PlanetCCRMA repo stuff. 
I am happy with it now, but I would not recommend it to an average user.

I am sure there are a lot of really good things in F18. But the installer 
is NOT one them.



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