[PlanetCCRMANews] Calf plugins from git repository

Day Parsons day.parsons at hotmail.fr
Sat Nov 27 14:00:43 PST 2010


Thanks for your great work which contribute to make fedora a beautiful OS for musicians ! (I use the Fedora 11).

I am also an Ubuntu user and i have recently tried the EQ  from the new lv2 calf plugins from their git repository and these plugins are wonderful, you can find all here :


I will be very glad to learn how to maintain packages for your repository (but this is a very hard task for simple user !!) because i can't find packages as noteedit, traverso,...

They work on Ubuntu, but i prefer Fedora for its stability.

If you are interested in helping a "newbie" to become a packager you can reply at day.parsons at hotmail.fr

Best regards.


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