[PlanetCCRMA] State of Fedora 26 repo

Yury Bulka setthemfree at privacyrequired.com
Sat Oct 21 12:22:33 PDT 2017

Dear all,

I haven't posted here before, but after reading this list for a while
I have an impression that we seem to expect too much work from a
single person (Fernando) - providing -rt packages of the kernel,
maintaining planeccrma repos, as well as maintaining fedora packages for
supercollider and a whole bunch of other software...

I'm thinking that maybe we could somehow distribute this work?

For instance by trying to move *some* of the packages (like
supercollider) from planetccrma to main fedora repos?

How hard may that be? Is there anything about, say, supercollider, that
would not allow it to be included in main fedora?


Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:

> On 10/16/2017 04:58 AM, Yann Collette wrote:
>> Hello,
>> From the CCRMA repos:
>> Libgig is user in the latest version of lmms,
> I built/released libgig, no testing whatsoever... hope it helps (and
> works)...
>> supercollider is used by sonic-pi,
> SC: I tried, 3.7.x did not build (had some sort of compilation error
> because of gcc), tried 3.8.x and hit errors but did not have time to
> investigate (before being swamped with other stuff).
>> zita* is used by Carla and Cadence.
> I just did both zita*, no testing again, far away from my test environment.
> (sorry, I'm on a trip visiting family in Buenos Aires and then a
> conference).
> -- Fernando
>> Le 14/10/2017 à 01:45, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano a écrit :
>>> On 10/13/2017 01:09 AM, ycollette.nospam at free.fr wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> When will the Fedora 26 CCRMA repo will be populated with the missing
>>>> packages ?
>>> What packages be interesting for you to have available in 26?
>>> (currently in Buenos Aires, visiting family and in a conference at end
>>> of Oct)
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