[PlanetCCRMA] State of Fedora 26 repo

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 16 12:59:15 PDT 2017

On 10/16/2017 04:58 AM, Yann Collette wrote:
> Hello,
> From the CCRMA repos:
> Libgig is user in the latest version of lmms,

I built/released libgig, no testing whatsoever... hope it helps (and 

> supercollider is used by sonic-pi,

SC: I tried, 3.7.x did not build (had some sort of compilation error 
because of gcc), tried 3.8.x and hit errors but did not have time to 
investigate (before being swamped with other stuff).

> zita* is used by Carla and Cadence.

I just did both zita*, no testing again, far away from my test environment.

(sorry, I'm on a trip visiting family in Buenos Aires and then a 
-- Fernando

> Le 14/10/2017 à 01:45, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano a écrit :
>> On 10/13/2017 01:09 AM, ycollette.nospam at free.fr wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> When will the Fedora 26 CCRMA repo will be populated with the missing
>>> packages ?
>> What packages be interesting for you to have available in 26?
>> (currently in Buenos Aires, visiting family and in a conference at end
>> of Oct)

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