[PlanetCCRMA] [PlanetCCRMANews] fedora 27: more packages

Yoann LE BARS yoann at le-bars.net
Wed Nov 29 18:15:27 PST 2017

Hello everybody out there!

	Well, the thing is I need both real-time kernel and NVidia proprietary
driver. There were some trouble with Linux kernel 4.13.13, but today
4.13.15 has been released in Fedora 27. With this kernel, I can use
NVidia proprietary driver.

	I do understand Fernando do not have much time, and I perfectly
understand. Anyway, would it be possible to provide 4.13.15 real-time
kernel soon?

	Best regards.

Diaspora* : ylebars at framasphere.org

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