[PlanetCCRMA] Getting back to Planet CCRMA

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jun 30 12:36:03 PDT 2016

On 06/28/2016 09:10 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> OK, experiences in foreign lands it is.

Thanks for sharing!

>Meanwhile Fedora 24 came out and it
> has two features I really want - GNOME 3.20 and GCC 6.

Ah, yes, gcc6. Sigh. I anticipate a lot of work compiling packages that 
will now fail with mysterious error messages (I started to set up my 
build environment, stay tuned).

-- Fernando

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:55 PM Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
> <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu <mailto:nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>> wrote:
>     On 06/28/2016 05:38 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
>     > I switched from Fedora 23 to Debian "Stretch" last year, and then to
>     > Ubuntu 16.04 GNOME last month. I'm now coming back to Fedora (24) for a
>     > variety of reasons.
>     Welcome back![*] :-)
>     >I'm not sure I need a patched kernel, but if I do,
>     > what's the best way to get it for Fedora 24? Going back to earlier
>     > Fedora releases isn't an option for my other projects, which are rather
>     > dependent on Fedora's "cloud infrastructure" and workstation developer
>     > tools.
>     >
>     > I'm not averse to building my own kernel packages - it's been a while
>     > since I had the infrastructure set up for that but if that's the best
>     > way I'll do it. My current audio project will most likely be in ChucK /
>     > miniAudicle, which I'm definitely building from source.
>     Regretfully I have had 0 time to start working on fc24 - I still have to
>     set up my build environment for it and then try to start building
>     stuff.Hopefully not a big deal but like everything it eats up hours... I
>     can try tomorrow and see how far it goes...
>     You could start without the rt kernel if that is an option...
>     Best,
>     -- Fernando
>     [*] it would be interesting to hear a bit about your experiences in
>     those foreign lands...
>     > --
>     > How many people can stand on the shoulders of a giant before the giant
>     > collapses?
>     Not that many...
> --
> How many people can stand on the shoulders of a giant before the giant
> collapses?
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