[PlanetCCRMA] miniAudicle and Chuck: no sound

ycollette.nospam at free.fr ycollette.nospam at free.fr
Mon Feb 17 03:25:10 PST 2014


I meet a problem with miniAudicle on fedora 20 64 bits.
I installed Chuck and miniAudicle.
Then, I started jack vai qjackctl, then I started miniAudicle.
miniAudicle appears in the qjackctl connections pannel and is correctly connected.
When I start an example script from the chuck examples directory, no sounds are played.
If I start this example directly via chuck, chuck is again correctly wired in qjackctl and sounds are now correctly emitted.

Do I miss something with miniAudicle ?

Best regards,


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