[PlanetCCRMA] Ardour3-3.1.10

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Mon May 20 09:51:03 PDT 2013

Hi Fernando

To be honest I wanted a build that made the most of the processor I have 
and don't mind making the suggested donation when downloading the sources...

With best regards, Simon

Am 20.05.2013 18:22, schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
> On 05/19/2013 10:21 PM, Simon Lewis wrote:
>> Ardour3 can be built and runs smoothly on fc17 and fc19 using the
>> attached spec file
>> The latest stable releases of lilv, sord,serd, stratom and co from
>> http://drobilla.net/ are required...
> For reference I'm attaching the spec file I have been using to deploy 
> ardour3 internally @ ccrma... there's still some old stuff commented 
> out so this requires some cleanup of course. I will also incorporate 
> changes based on your spec file (thanks for posting!).
> In general you probably want to download the binary that Paul 
> distributes through ardour.org... (that is the "canonically" correct 
> build :-)
> -- Fernando

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