[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora kernel-rt packagers? Was: Re: IRQ problems on P8Z68-V ProGen3

John Morris john at zultron.com
Tue Nov 27 10:48:47 PST 2012

Hi Kaza,

On 11/27/2012 08:04 AM, Kaza Kore wrote:
> Doesn't his email say the kernel is the exception? IE, other packages he
> used to have to maintain are now done by a group but the RT Kernel has
> still remained with him thus far.
>  > >
>  > >> I'm glad to hear that... yes, it's been a long time... there's now a
>  > >> very active group in Fedora itself doing what I used to do every day
>  > >> myself, the kernel is for now an exception that remains in my
>  > >> repository :-)
>  > >
> At least that's how I read it...

It must be that instead of what was actually written, I read what I wish 
for:  Fernando's packages to become officially shipped with Fedora!

I'm helping to add rt-preempt support to LinuxCNC and to package it in 
order to make it easier to install and thus hopefully increase its 
adoption.  With Fernando's and the LinuxCNC packages in Fedora, the 
barriers to entry can't get much lower.

Ah well.  I still draw hope from those qualifying words 'for now' in 
that last sentence.  ;)  Apologies for the somewhat OT posting on this list.


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