[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora kernel-rt packagers? Was: Re: IRQ problems on P8Z68-V ProGen3

Kaza Kore dj_kaza at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 27 06:04:21 PST 2012

> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 03:49:37 -0600
> From: john at zultron.com
> To: nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> CC: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora kernel-rt packagers? Was: Re: IRQ problems on P8Z68-V ProGen3
> Hi Fernando,
> Just wanted to make sure this message didn't slip through the cracks. 
> I'm eager to hear who's working on packaging kernel-rt for Fedora.  Thanks!
> 	John

Doesn't his email say the kernel is the exception? IE, other packages he used to have to maintain are now done by a group but the RT Kernel has still remained with him thus far.

> >
> >> I'm glad to hear that... yes, it's been a long time... there's now a
> >> very active group in Fedora itself doing what I used to do every day
> >> myself, the kernel is for now an exception that remains in my
> >> repository :-)
> >

At least that's how I read it...

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