[PlanetCCRMA] wineasio and 32-bit jack question

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon May 21 11:57:25 PDT 2012

On 05/18/2012 02:08 AM, Simon Lewis wrote:
> Hello Fernando
> I tried back-porting the latest jack2 release with 32/64 compatibility
> enabled on my fedora 16 installation, I can build the package but I
> can't install it as the original fedora packages have to many interwoven
> dependancies.

Hmmm, did you build a .src.rpm? You should be able to get the latest 
source package from koji and rebuild that for fc16...


Or was yours a build from source?

> Given that support for  fedora 16 still has 6 months to run and fedora
> 17 has not been released, I hoping that the latest jack releases make it
> into fedora 16 repos. Just have to keep the fingers crossed...

Maybe create a request for an upgrade on Fedora 16 on bugzilla, I don't 
know if Orcan has plans for building the latest on fc16...

-- Fernando

> Looking at this from another aspect - wine64 has been available under
> fedora for some time - and there are quite a few 64 bit windows vsts -
> are there any developments to create a true 64bit wineasio?
> Simon
> Am 16.05.2012 23:34, schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
>> On 05/05/2012 05:39 PM, craig stephenson wrote:
>>>    Hello.  I ran into a snag trying to build wineasio on 64-bit Fedora
>>> 16, and according to a developer on the wineasio irc channel it's
>>> because I'm missing needed 32-bit jack libraries (not a wine issue as
>>> I assumed) , i.e. /usr/lib/libjack* .   What would be the best package
>>> or source for the files short of doing a custom jack build?  Any
>>> pointers would be greatly appreciated.
>> The Jack libraries should be available for i686 on x86_64 installs. Just
>> install the i686 package...
>> Note: the current jack on fc16 is not built with the 32/64 compatibility
>> flag - i386 clients on an x86_64 system will not work correctly. The
>> latest Fedora 17 build has that, but I don't think that has been
>> released for Fedora 16 (maybe it will?).
>> -- Fernando
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