[PlanetCCRMA] sced missing from Gedit plugins

Schindler, Allan aschindler at esm.rochester.edu
Fri Jul 6 10:19:13 PDT 2012

On 07/05/2012 08:05 PM, Lopez-Lezcano, Fernando wrote:
> The class "Solver" is the first thing in that file, actually, so this
> error is really strange. Do you see that class in your version of that file?
Yes. The Solver object is defined near the beginning of my
file. Also defined in this file are RK, RK2, RK3, Rk4 and Euler:Solver,
although I get "cannot find superclass" and/or parse errors for each
of these.

> Could you check the package is not somehow corrupted? (rpm -V
> supercollider-mathlib to find out).
This check reveals no errors. nd produces no output.

>  I would also try to remove any local stuff you added in your home
>directory (classes, etc), just in case.
>Sorry you are still having problems...
I  temporarily removed ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/gedit-plugin and
the sced folder in this directory, then permanently deleted

These files exist:

I get similar compilation, parse and missing superclass errors
for Solver and RK when launching gedit/sced and emancs -sclang,
and very similar parse errors for
and /usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/dewdrop_lib/ddwGUIEnhancments3.4/recursiveResize.sc.
Attempting to evaluate any Sc code with sced returns
"Library has not been compiled successfully"
I have included attachments with the complete error lists I
get with sced and wth emacs in case they indicate something significant
to a more trained eye than mine.

At this point I'm stumped  and need to get back to work wtihSC, and
so am considering upgrading to F17 (does anyone have SC/sced
working fully with F17?) or trying a downgrade to F15.
As always, thanks for any help.

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