[PlanetCCRMA] DSSI synths
S C Rigler
riglersc at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 04:17:46 PDT 2010
When this happens to me I usually notice that NetworkManager has put
my hostname on the lane line as the IPV6 address for localhost. I
usually workaround it by just commenting out that line (assuming you
don't have a pressing need for IPV6). I don't think you want to mess
with your public IP address in /etc/hosts.
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:51 AM, Luis Garrido
<luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> Anyone having problems starting DSSI synths lately ?
>> I am on Fedora 13. And I am not getting a GUI. Used to work fine before.
> This has to do with OSC (the protocol used to communicate between a
> DSSI host and the pluguin GUIs) and how your hostname is resolved. I
> am a bit fuzzy on the details, I have to make some time to study how
> this darned stuff is put together so I know what buttons I should
> push.
> For the time being, a quick workaround. If your /etc/hosts reads like this:
> yourhost.yourdomain yourhost # Added by NetworkManager
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> Change it to something like:
> # yourhost.yourdomain yourhost # Added by NetworkManager
> localhost.localdomain localhost yourhost.yourdomain yourhost
> i.e., comment the first line and add your FQDN as an alias to the
> loopback interface. Be aware that NetworkManager will undo these
> changes next time you boot your machine, probably there is some place
> you can tinker with so this change becomes permanent.
> I don't really know why OSC needs the host name to resolve to the
> loopback interface, as I said, I have to look further into this some
> day.
> HTH,
> Luis
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