[PlanetCCRMA] DSSI synths

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Sep 14 03:51:11 PDT 2010

> Anyone having problems starting DSSI synths lately ?
> I am on Fedora 13. And I am not getting a GUI. Used to work fine before.

This has to do with OSC (the protocol used to communicate between a
DSSI host and the pluguin GUIs) and how your hostname is resolved. I
am a bit fuzzy on the details, I have to make some time to study how
this darned stuff is put together so I know what buttons I should

For the time being, a quick workaround. If your /etc/hosts reads like this:  yourhost.yourdomain   yourhost	# Added by NetworkManager	localhost.localdomain   localhost

Change it to something like:

#  yourhost.yourdomain   yourhost	# Added by NetworkManager	localhost.localdomain   localhost  yourhost.yourdomain   yourhost

i.e., comment the first line and add your FQDN as an alias to the
loopback interface. Be aware that NetworkManager will undo these
changes next time you boot your machine, probably there is some place
you can tinker with so this change becomes permanent.

I don't really know why OSC needs the host name to resolve to the
loopback interface, as I said, I have to look further into this some



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