[PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel

Bernardo Barros bernardobarros2 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 13:18:40 PDT 2010

No problems here with nouveau and 2 monitors.
use mesa-experimental if you want 3d-acceleration

2010/9/2 Bob Wilkinson <wilkinson.bob at comcast.net>:
> Does the noveau driver support multiple monitors from the same card?
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys at gmail.com>
> Sender: planetccrma-bounces at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:28:58
> To: <planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel
>> From: Geoff King
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.
> ...
>> I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers.  It just
>> automatically builds the driver for you which is nice.  It also lets
>> you more easily use and switch between different kernels.
>> What would be nice is what Juan mentioned.  A patched or new version
>> of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt
>> kernels.  This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.
>>> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'
>>> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really
>>> convenient.
>> Geoff
> Personally I would use the nouveau drivers that are stock with
> fedora 13.  Works out of the box, OpenGL works, 3D games
> play at decent frame rates.  For what do you need the nvidia
> driver?  Why put up with compile your own with each kernel
> roll.  Akmods worked fine with F11 and f12, when nouveau
> was 2D only.  I tried the akmod when I went to f13 but it failed
> with the PlanetCCRMA kernel, so I went back to the nouveau
> drivers.
> The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be
> found, the better nouveau will get.  Support open source and
> use nouveau.  I have no problems in everyday use, works on
> my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play
> TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using
> WINE with no problems.
> -- Jeff Sandys
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