[PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.

Geoff King gsking1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 13:26:28 PDT 2010

> switch. I don't use akmod (not sure of the point or extra complexity)
> but whenever a kernel updates on my Nvidia based machine, I have to
> update the nvidia driver too. Also, you have to be careful that if a

I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers.  It just
automatically builds the driver for you which is nice.  It also lets
you more easily use and switch between different kernels.

What would be nice is what Juan mentioned.  A patched or new version
of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt
kernels.  This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.

> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'
> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really
> convenient.


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