[PlanetCCRMA] Installing Google Voice Chat for Linux on Fedora instead of Debian
Niels Mayer
nielsmayer at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 11:59:08 PDT 2010
Google Voice Chat is now available as RPMs for Fedora >=12 and
OpenSuse (which will still need same lib symlinking as described in my
earlier note)
Video Chat Eng. Blue has posted an answer to the question "Linux
version now available!":
@DaeWon @Mike Cloaked @mattydaw @hipsauerkraut @NielsMayer @ulif
@gbvoris @wsanders @mannmaniyar @coyoteuser @huangjs @fchandur We have
now released official RPM packages of Google voice and video chat. You
can download and install them by visiting
http://www.google.com/chat/video. If you previously installed the DEB
package manually, please be sure to fully remove it before installing
the official RPMs.
We strongly recommend using the official RPMs rather than installing
the DEBs by hand. Using the official RPMs will allow your computer to
automatically resolve dependencies and receive software updates.
These RPMs have been built for Fedora 12 or later, but should work on
any RPM-based distro provided that all dependencies are satisfied.
Unfortunately on OpenSUSE the libssl.so.10 and libcrypto.so.10
symlinks are missing--you may need to create them manually. We are
investigating alternative solutions for a future update.
-- Niels
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