[PlanetCCRMA] [PD] audio breaking

Pierre Massat pimassat at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 06:12:12 PST 2010

Are you using a realtime kernel?

2010/3/4 Oded Ben-Tal <oded at ccrma.stanford.edu>

> I'm encountering bad audio behvaiour with pd+jack. Pd is reporting DIO
> errors even without any patch open. When I open one of the simple example
> patches I get very frequent breaks in the audio sometime these are even at a
> regular rate (around 120 bpm).
> I'm using FC10 with jack and a firewire soundcard.
> I'm starting jack with:
> /usr/bin/jackd -R -t10000 -dfirewire -r48000 -p256 -n3 -i2 -o6
> (also tried p128 & 512).
> I can play soundfiles with no problems using snd so it seems the problem
> might involve some interaction between pd & jack. I don't get this audio
> problem when I'm using pd with a USB soundcard (without jack) on the same
> machine.
> Any ideas how to track the problem and (hopefully) fix it?
> Oded
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