[PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden10 specfile

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Tue Mar 2 00:02:09 PST 2010


I downloaded rosegarden4-10.02-1.src.rpm to try to rebuild it myself on my 
Fedora 12 system.

I noticed 2 problems:

1) QTDIR not found. Adding "--with-qtdir=/usr" to the %configure line in 
the specfile fixed this problem.

2) Building didn't proceed because of missing kdelibs4-devel on my system. 
Installing this fixed the problem, but I don't think rosegarden 10 
requires this: I had already built rosegarden 10 myself succesfully 
before, without kde4-lib-devel installed.



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