[PlanetCCRMA] laptop audio interface suggestions

Peter Kirn peter at createdigitalmedia.net
Sun Jan 31 11:40:08 PST 2010

Actually, quite curious about the USB2 issue.

I have two USB(1) interfaces here that I've tested:

Cakewalk SONAR Power Studio SPS-25. Low-end interface, but it works
via class compliance. Dave Phillips (the awesome Linux Journal contrib
who talks a lot about audio) owns one, because he's mentioned it. It's
also a rock-solid Windows interface, and works with the Mac via class

The SPS-25 is evidently not exactly an Edirol UA-25, but they're similar.

Native Instruments' entire line has drivers. They're higher quality
boxes, too. Audio Kontrol 1 is what I have here, though I may pick up
one of their ultra-compact DJ interfaces because they're handy to have
in a bag.

Apparently the reason NI has native Linux drivers, unsupported, is
that the guy they contracted to write the drivers just did it on his

This isn't an insurmountable problem. In fact, I know there's been
some frustration with MOTU not contributing audio interfaces to dev
efforts. I'll bet if you ask the right way, you could convince more

USB2 is definitely where it's going, and I know of only FW devices;
it'd be great to hear about USB2 compatibility.


On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:17 PM, francis keyes <fkeymo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> Its been a while since I've asked... still looking for a good audio
> interface for my laptop.  Since firewire is pretty much gone, I guess I'm
> looking for a USB card.  I need something that can record 4 balanced, analog
> inputs at 24 bits, 96kHz.  I had my eye on the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra but
> apparently it doesn't work with Linux. (are there any USB 2.0 audio
> interfaces that do work?).  Anyways, any suggestions would be very much
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
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