[PlanetCCRMA] Pd-extended USB audio output on FC12

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 08:24:37 PST 2010


Sorry, but you just reached my limit on knowing anything about the
PulseAudio stuff. I just uninstalled the things I mentioned and
haven't been bothered by much of it since.

On #2, I haven't a clue either.


On 1/20/10, Peter Kirn <peter at createdigitalmedia.net> wrote:
> Okay, a couple of confusing things here:
> 1. Just removing alsa-plugins-pulseaudio doesn't appear to be enough.
> Aren't there other packages and configuration files involved? In fact,
> isn't GNOME pretty much set to default to pulseaudio?
> I may have to go back to some of those routines for removing
> pulseaudio from Ubuntu, as I suspect it'd be a similar issue here. Of
> course, this is assuming this is a good idea to begin with, as opposed
> to just resolving why the daemon isn't shutting down correctly.
> 2. Is there a reason the asoundconf macro is now missing from alsa-utils?
> Peter
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Sean Beeson <seanbeeson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You may need to remove some of the pulseaudio plug-ins.
>>       yum -remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
>> or
>>       rpm -e alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
>> Those might be the thing making it startup on it's own.
>> --Sean
>> On 1/16/10, Paul Schmidt <paschmidt57 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the tip.
>>> I tried this on my Fedora 12 install, and it doesn't seem to kill
>>> pulseaudio. I checked it using the System Monitor program. Maybe it is
>>> respawning itself, but it never even disappears from the list of running
>>> programs. I even tried the kill option that the System Monitor offers,
>>> but no luck.
>>> Paul
>>>> I think most people would use Jack to do all the audio routing. Before
>>>> you start Jack kill PulseAudio with pulseaudio -k under the user you
>>>> logged in as first.
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