[PlanetCCRMA] Pd-extended USB audio output on FC12

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 10:32:40 PST 2010

If you plan to do audio on a serious basis with Linux, I recommend you
familiarize yourself with Jack. Any other serious audio program will
use it.


On 1/15/10, Peter Kirn <peter at createdigitalmedia.net> wrote:
> Thanks, Sean. Further investigation reveals that this is definitely an
> issue with the Audio Kontrol 1 and Pd -- class-compliant devices are
> fine -- but I'm going to test disabling PA to see if that's making
> things worse (very, very possible). Appreciate the help and will
> report back!
> Peter
> 2010/1/14 Sean Beeson <seanbeeson at gmail.com>:
>> Hi, Peter.
>> I think most people would use Jack to do all the audio routing. Before
>> you start Jack kill PulseAudio with pulseaudio -k under the user you
>> logged in as first. It seems to me that Jack would be used under
>> Ubuntu also. If you got a normal PlanetCCRMA installed Jack should
>> have gotten installed by default, I'm pretty sure. Try ' qjackctl -s &
>> ' with no other audio applications running. Usually the default
>> settings work and you can leave the settings alone in JACK Audio
>> Connection Kit. If it starts up OK, click on Connect and check out the
>> three tabs you see there to get familiar with using Jack. An easy to
>> use synth to use to test with is zynaddsubfx & . It has a virtual
>> keyboard to easily trigger it to make sound. PD should also show up in
>> the Connect window of QJackCtl once you start it.
>> -Sean
>> On 1/14/10, Peter Kirn <peter at createdigitalmedia.net> wrote:
>>> Kudos to everyone who's worked on Planet-CCRMA on Fedora 12; really,
>>> really impressed with the way everything is put together here.
>>> I'm just having one issue so far. Pd-extended seems to be having some
>>> issues with my USB audio output. I'm using the NI Audio Kontrol 1,
>>> which of course lacks mixer controls. I think what's happening is that
>>> Pd's gain is getting set too high. So, the moment I select the AK1 via
>>> ALSA in Pd, I hear a fizzle out of my speakers -- presumably actually
>>> the noise floor, cranked way up. The moment I try a test sound, even
>>> at -40 dB, I get a horribly distorted sound, as if its gain is set
>>> wrong.
>>> Internal audio works just fine.
>>> Also, it seems I've wound up with Pulseaudio even though I didn't want
>>> it and tried to disable it on installation, if that's relevant.
>>> Any ideas? Unfortunately, Hans-Christoph is primarily an Ubuntu user,
>>> so I'd love to better sort out out-of-box configuration with Pd on
>>> Fedora. ;)
>>> Peter
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