[PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: instant gratification du jour -- azr3-jack tonewheel emulator]

Al Thompson biggles58 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 23 07:25:57 PST 2010

-------- Original Message --------

Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Feb 2010, Niels Mayer wrote:
>> Is http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/azr3/ available on planet CCRMA? 
>> I just accidentally found it, and decided to try out the Suse RPM on
>> my x86_64 fedora12 system (stock kernel, not
>> planetccrma).
>> The Suse RPM works beautifully: just fire up qjackctl , hookup the
>> audio outs, and connect the jack midi output to the
>> AZR-3 midi in.
> Thanks for the link! I already knew the VST version that I was running
> with dssi-vst. But a native Linux version is even better: I'm using
> this one now.

I'm trying to compile this one, but it requires LASH 1.0.  I have Lash
0.5, and the newest version I've found on the web is 0.6.  The project
web page that some people refer to us apparently gone. 

I'm using Fedora 7.  Where in the world is Lash 1.0?


Check out the website I've been cobbling together.  It will never be done, but it's a start: 

My blog, with commentary on a variety of things, including audio, mixing, equipment, etc, is at:

Staat heißt das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer.  Kalt lügt es auch;
und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
						- [Friedrich Nietzsche]


Check out the website I've been cobbling together.  It will never be done, but it's a start: 

My blog, with commentary on a variety of things, including audio, mixing, equipment, etc, is at:

Staat heißt das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer.  Kalt lügt es auch;
und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
						- [Friedrich Nietzsche]

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