[PlanetCCRMA] laptop audio interface suggestions

David Nielson naptastic at comcast.net
Mon Feb 1 12:29:48 PST 2010

On 01/31/2010 11:20 PM, francis keyes wrote:
> What do you do with that RME Digiface thing?  It looks cool but has no 
> analogue inputs that I can see.  The Fireface UC looks good but again, 
> its USB 2.0.  Maybe the Multiface could do the trick for me...
That's correct: the Digiface only has digital I/O. (Except for the 
headphone port on the front.)

I use Behringer ADA8000 A/D and D/A converters to get (up to) 24 
channels in and out at the same time. More than you're looking for, I 
know, but it's nice to have room to grow, right?


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